State of the Union Speech 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The Iraq war looms as, perhaps, the most important foreign policy issue during the 2008 election. With thousands of U.S. troops stationed there and sectarian violence always threatening to engulf the country, candidates will have to grapple with the day-to-day events taking place more than 6,000 miles away.

Hillary ClintonVoted for use of military force in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently "if we knew then what we know now." Supports de-authorizing the war. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008. Opposed Bush plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Supports a phased redeployment Watch Clinton speak about Iraq
Mike GravelOpposed use of military force in Iraq, saying invasion was against U.S. interests. Opposed Bush plan to send additional American troops to Iraq. Supports immediate troop withdrawal. Says "aggressive" and "skilled" diplomacy needed to end sectarian violence. Says non-binding congressional resolutions are ineffective and that Congress should instead demand an end to the war.
Barack ObamaOpposed use of military force in Iraq. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008. Supports phased redeployment of U.S. troops. Opposed Bush's plan to send additional troops to Iraq. Had once called for troop withdrawal to begin by the end of 2006. Watch Obama speak about Iraq
OUT OF THE RACE: Joe Biden Chris Dodd John Edwards Dennis Kucinich Bill Richardson
Mike HuckabeeHas offered qualified support for Bush Iraq policy, saying the president has access to military and diplomatic information that is not publicly available. Opposes congressional resolutions that express opposition to the president's plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Opposes proposals to cut funding to the war. Watch Huckabee speak about Iraq
John McCainVoted for use of military force in Iraq. Supported Bush veto of war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008. Was an early proponent of sending additional American troops to Iraq. Watch McCain speak about Iraq
Ron PaulVoted against use of military force in Iraq. Supports withdrawing troops from Iraq, but opposed war spending bill which included a plan to withdraw most U.S. troops by March 2008. Calls for repealing authority given to the president in 2002 Iraq war authorization vote. Opposed Bush plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Says military victory in Iraq is "unattainable." Watch Paul speak about Iraq

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