State of the Union Speech 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Senate Democrats mull expanded stimulus plan

Leaders will consider adding retirees to the tax rebate plan, and extending jobless benefits.
Retirees living off Social Security are frustrated that they won't get tax rebate checks through a bipartisan economic stimulus package that is before the House. Senate Democrats Friday began efforts to include them.
The Senate is also considering an extension of jobless benefits to the $150 billion package of rebates and business tax cuts in a deal that was wrapped up Thursday between House leaders and President Bush.
Bush urged Congress on Friday to quickly pass the package without any further spending. "I strongly believe it would be a mistake to delay or derail this bill," Bush said.
"I understand the desire to add provisions from both the right and the left," he said, adding that would be an error.
Senate Democrats are refusing to rubber stamp the House measure. That raises the possibility of protracted negotiations if Democrats are successful in giving retirees tax rebates, extending unemployment benefits, boosting heating subsidies for the poor, and temporarily increasing food stamp payments.
Those are all items floated by top Senate Democrats left out of the negotiations between the administration and House leaders.
They were all considered but tossed overboard in intense talks that produced a hard-won agreement among Bush, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader John Boehner.

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