State of the Union Speech 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK and the Presidential Race 2008...

The celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day has a particular poignancy this presidential election year. There's been a lot of talk about our wanting "to believe in America" again. Some of us are experiencing a cautious optimism that politics doesn't have to be business as usual. With citizens like Oprah Winfrey, Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker and Barack Obama, the African American struggle for justice and freedom has, at last, become what it always was, a universal story. The cry for universal freedom heard through the particular stories of oppressed peoples was made evident in the recent movie "The Great Debaters." The movie brilliantly expressed, through the particulars of a specific struggle, the truth that freedom and dignity are part of the birthright of all human beings. Are we finally getting it into our heads and hearts that when one human being is in chains we are all diminished?


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